About Eventuate Tram

Eventuate Tram is a platform that solves the distributed data management problems inherent in a microservice architecture. It’s for Java/Spring-based microservices that use the traditional JDBC/JPA-based persistence model. Unlike event sourcing, adding Eventuate Tram to your Java/Spring Boot application requires minimal changes.

Eventuate Tram makes it easy to implement

Eventuate Tram provides several messaging abstractions:

  • messages - send and receive messages over named channels
  • events - publish domain events and subscribe to domain events
  • commands - asynchronously send a command to a service and receive a reply

Eventuate Tram sends messages/events using the Transactional Outbox, which enables a service to atomically send messages/events as part of the database transaction that updates business objects. Similarly, it handles messages/events as part of a database transaction and automically detects and discards duplicate messages/events.

The architecture of an Eventuate Tram application

The following diagram shows the architecture of the Eventuate Tram Todo application:

The application consists of two services:

  • Todo Service - implements the REST endpoints for creating, updating and deleting todos. The service persists the Todo JPA entity in MySQL. Using Eventuate Tram, it publishes Todo domain events that are consumed by the Todo View Service.

  • Todo View Service - implements a REST endpoint for querying the todos. It maintains a CQRS view of the todos in ElasticSearch.

The Todo Service publishes events using Eventuate Tram. Eventuate Tram inserts events into the MESSAGE table as part of the ACID transaction that updates the TODO table. The Eventuate Tram CDC service tracks inserts into the MESSAGE table using the MySQL binlog and publishes messages to Apache Kafka. The Todo View Service subscribes to the events and updates ElasticSearch.

About Eventuate Tram Sagas

Eventuate Tram sagas builds on Eventuate Tram to provide orchestration-based sagas. Instead of simply relying on services to respond to domain events, you define a saga orchestrator, which tells the saga participants what operations to execute. To understand the difference between choreography using domain events and orchestration, please see this presentation.

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