About Eventuate™

Eventuate, Inc was founded by Chris Richardson.

About Chris Richardson

Chris is the creator of the original CloudFoundry.com. He is the author of POJOs in Action and Microservices Patterns.

History of Eventuate

After Chris left SpringSource/VMware/Pivotal in August 2013 he founded a startup. The application had an Scala/event-sourcing-based microservice architecture. About a year later, Chris gave a presentation on the architecture at a developer conference. The reaction to the talk was so positive that he realized developers needed a platform for tackling the distributed data management problems in microservice architecture. Chris decided to pivot and extracted the Eventuate framework from the application and focussed on its development.

Since then the Eventuate concept has been refined. The original version of Eventuate was completely NoSql and cloud-based. But from helping enterprises migrate to microservices, Chris realized there was value in letting them continue to use the databases that they were familiar with. That realization led to the creation of Eventuate Local, which leverages MySQL/Postgres for event storage and Kafka for messaging. Those are familiar, proven and scalar technologies. What’s more there is no point in reinventing the wheel.

Another discovery from working with clients was Event Sourcing is not always the best approach. Sometimes, it’s simpler to use regular persistence and to explicitly publish events. This realization then led to the creation of Eventuate Tram. It provides transactional messaging for Spring Boot, Micronaut, Quarkus, and .NET applications.

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