The client JARs are located in Maven Central repository. You need to configure your build tool appropriately.
In build.gradle
, specify the JCenter maven repository:
repositories {
In build.gradle
, specify a dependency on the Java Client library, which provides the API:
dependencies {
compile "$eventuateLocalVersion"
dependencies {
compile "$eventuateLocalVersion"
There are two different implementations of Eventuate: production and testing.
To use the open-source, RDBMS/Kafka version then specify:
dependencies {
compile "${eventuateLocalVersion}"
dependencies {
compile "${eventuateLocalVersion}"
If you are writing integration tests that you should use the embedded JDBC-based test version:
dependencies {
testCompile "$eventuateLocalVersion"
dependencies {
testCompile "$eventuateLocalVersion"
Specify the client library version:
Specify a dependency on the Java Client library, which provides the API:
There are two different implementations of Eventuate.
To use the open-source, RDBMS/Kafka version then specify:
Or, on the embedded test event store: